Lex Carnival

Hit The Buzz


Cash Prize of Rs. 3,000/-
+ [Certificate of Merit]

1st Runner Up:

Cash Prize of Rs. 2,000/-
+ [Certificate of Merit]

2nd Runner Up:

Cash Prize of Rs. 1,000/-
+ [Certificate of Merit]

Consolation Prize

Cash Prize of Rs. 500/-
+ [Certificate of Merit]

About Hit The Buzz Competition

Guidelines & Layout

Hit The Buzz is the general quiz of Lex Carnival which will test the knowledge of the participating teams in all fields and subjects. The quiz shall have topics ranging from entertainment to current affairs, with interesting and mind-boggling questions.

The quiz does not put emphasis on legal questions or law-related questions. It is only a general quiz.



  • Each team shall contain up to 3 participants in one team.
  • Each institution may send up to 3 teams.
  • Students from class 9th and above and college students are allowed to participate in the quiz.
  • There will be 2 stages of the quiz.

Registration Fees

Registration Fee of Rs. 500 +GST per entry.

Registration Deadline

Last Date of Registration is 26/01/2024.

Date for Final Round

Date for Final Round is 31/01/2024.

1. Prelims: 31/01/2024

Venue: Classroom
Mode: Offline (On Paper)

MCQ Round:
{15+ (5 Tie Breaker) = 20 Questions: 15 Minutes}

  • The participants will be given 15 minutes to answer 20 questions.
  • Each question will have 4 options to it.
  • Top 8 teams will qualify to the Stage Rounds of Hit The Buzz.
  • In case of a tie, the finalist teams will be selected on the basis of the number of tie breaker questions they attempt.

2. Stage Round: (8 Teams)


Venue: Auditorium
Mode: On Stage

The qualifying teams will be invited on the stage for the finals of Hit The Buzz.

I. Buzz

8 Questions
Direct Question: +10 : No Negative
Buzzed: +05 : No Negative

  • There will be 8 questions in total, 1 for each team.
  • 30 Second time will be provided to each team.
  • The participants will press the buzzer to Buzz the question
  • For a correct Direct answer, 10 points will be awarded.
  • For a correct Buzz answer, 5 points will be awarded.
  • No negative points for wrong answer.
  • II. Numero Grid

    4x3 Grid = 12 Questions
    Correct Answer: +20 Point
    Wrong Answer: No Negative

  • There shall be a 4x3 grid with each tile numbered up to 12.
  • Each tile shall contain a question which will only be revealed after a team selects it.
  • The questions will also include audio visual questions.
  • 45 Second time will be provided to each team.
  • 20 points will be awarded to the team for a correct answer.
  • No negative points for the wrong answers.
  • 1 Question for each team.
  • III. Tickle Me A Riddle

    8 Riddles
    Correct Answer: +30
    Wrong Answer: -10

  • There will be 8 riddles in total.
  • 20 Second time will be provided to answer, after the riddle has been read.
  • The team shall press the buzzer to register their answer to the quizmaster.
  • 30 Points will be awarded for the correct answer.
  • 10 Points will be deducted for the wrong answer.
  • Two lowest scoring teams on the scoreboard, will be eliminated from the stage rounds and 6 Teams will move forward to the next round.
  • IV. Pick Your Poison [ 6 Teams ]

    12 Categories = 12 Questions
    Correct Answer: +40
    Wrong Answer: -20

  • There will be 12 topics from which the teams will choose one topic of their choice.
  • The question will be related to the topic only.
  • 40 points will be awarded for the correct answer.
  • 20 points will be deducted for a wrong answer.
  • 1 Minute time will be provided to each team
  • Each team can ask for two hints but the points to be awarded will reduce with consecutive hints:
      First Hint: +25
        Second Hint: +10

      Two lowest scoring teams on the scoreboard, will be eliminated from the stage rounds and 4 Teams will move forward to the final round.
  • V. HIT THE BUZZ [ 4 Teams ]

    25 Questions
    Correct Answer: +50
    Wrong Answer: -30

  • The final round of the event.
  • 25 questions will be asked in total.
  • Whichever team presses the buzzer first shall answer the question.
  • 50 Points for the correct answer.
  • 30 Points will be deducted for the wrong answer.
  • If no one answers the question, after 3 seconds, the quizmaster shall move to the next question.
  • In case of a tie, the quizmaster shall keep asking the question until there is a winner.
  • Contact details

    Mariyam Iqbal

    Event Convener

    Varnika Singh

    Event Convener

    Ishita Tripathi

    Event Co-Convener

    Aditya Raj Singh

    Event Co-Convener

    Core Committee

    Shivam Bansal

    Committee Incharge

    Vaishnavi Srivastava

    Yashdeep Rai

    Swapnil Singh

    Vaishnavi Singh